I get asked this question all the time, but one time in particular always sticks in my mind. I was asked by my friend’s mum if I would go through her make-up bag with her and help her discard the products that were too old. I happily agreed to her request unaware of the awkward situation that lay ahead.
She spread the contents of her make-up bag on the kitchen counter – every product was from the luxury category, I would say the whole thing collectively cost her around $800.00. Needless to say I was impressed with the products she had chosen to use. Systematically we went through every product and I asked her “How long have you had this?” and every time she would say a minimum of a year, some products more than 18 months.
After going through her entire bag she was left with two items – a lip liner and an eyeliner. She seemed puzzled, so I explained that the reason she could keep the pencils was because every time you sharpen a pencil you essentially sterilize it by taking off the outer layer. I never witnessed her throw the cosmetics away – so whether she took my advice or not will forever remain unknown.
The problem with keeping make-up too long is the amount of bacteria that collects in each product. There are ways to prolong the life of certain products, but before I explain a few make-up artist trick’s I am going to run through the life expectancy of the basics:
Lip Gloss (wand applicator) 2-3 months
Lip Gloss (tube) 3-6 months
Lip Stick 1 year
Mascara 2 months
Pencils (lip & eye) until they finish
Foundation (oil based) 1 year
Foundation (water based) 6 months
As you can see the life expectancy varies quite a lot and is almost entirely down to the way we apply the cosmetic.
Here are a few make-up artists’ tricks to keep your cosmetics sterile for longer:
· Buy disposable applicators for your mascara and lip-gloss from the beauty supply store. Do not use the applicator that the product comes with, open the product, use the disposable wand once (no double dipping) and throw it away, then put the original wand back into the product to store. If you follow these steps you can keep the product until it runs out.
· Buy 99% alcohol from the beauty supply store and decant it into a small spray bottle. Spray the surface of your pressed powders (foundation and eye shadows) and wipe off with a clean dry tissue. Do this once a week to prevent bacteria build up.
· Always use clean hands when applying your make-up.
· Use disposable sponges to apply your foundation and never put your fingers directly into the bottle. Tubs of anything have a very short life expectancy because of contamination from our fingers.
· Wash your make-up brushes every week to fortnight. Use a mild shampoo and rinse thoroughly
· Seal the bottles tight to avoid bacteria build up
· Store in a cool dry place. The bathroom is not a good place because they are typically moist from the steam.
Remember the worst things to hold onto for too long are eye products as these can cause serious infections. When in doubt – throw it out!