London based facialist Linda Meredith who’s clients include everyone from Lilly Allen to the Queen of England weighs in on skin type and skin issues of the modern woman:
There's no such thing any longer as dry, oily or combination skin. We are all dehydrated because of our exposure to chemicals and preservatives and the medication we take. Our lifestyle is completely different from 50, 60 years ago. As soon as you take an aspirin, you're dehydrated. If you're on the pill or antibiotics, you're dehydrated. My approach is not to deal with skin types but skin problems.
When people tell me a client looks flawless, I say, “You don't see her in real life with no make-up on.” I know what they look like close up, and it's not perfect. A lot of the younger ones like Sienna (Miller) smoke, drink and are on and off planes. They need me more than before, because we live in a different world.
Many of my clients are airbrushed in pictures. There are only a handful of people with flawless skin.
LINDA MEREDITH Health & Beauty Clinic
36 Beauchamp Place Knightsbridge London SW3 1NU
020 7225 2755